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Data Discovery and Classification

Discover data sources automatically in your cloud infrastructure and Classify sensitive data into custom and default data classifiers like PII, Financial, and PHI data.
Data is growing at an exuberant rate, especially fueled by technological advancements and increased cloud adoption. This has resulted in a complex landscape that demands sophisticated handling and data protection mechanisms. The sheer magnitude of data makes it difficult to identify, separate, and safeguard sensitive data to ensure privacy and security. Data classification becomes crucial at such times to strike a balance between extracting meaningful data insights and protecting sensitive data at the same time.
    Financial service companies have 1,000+ sensitive data files completely accessible to all employees in the organization
    84000 exabytes
    Data generated globally in the year 2023
A systematic way to discover and classify the ever-increasing amount of enterprise data
Adaptive’s data discovery and classification module helps classify the ever-increasing amount of enterprise data. Discover sensitive, classified, and systematically important data and organize them based on various data classes for added context. Create your own custom data classifiers in addition to default classifiers for PII, Financial, and PHI data.
Discover and Secure All Data Sources
Utilize a comprehensive discovery mechanism that seamlessly integrates with your cloud environment, ensuring every data source is identified and secured. Adaptive identifies all your data sources, adds privileged access, monitoring, and generates compliance reports.
Classify with Custom Data Classes
Use AI-powered classification to label structured and semi-structured data. Implement strong policies based on compliance frameworks to restrict access and certain activity across data sources.
Data Residency Mapping
Dynamically track and update the cloud-based location of sensitive data in real time. With enhanced data transparency, ensure compliance with data sovereignty laws and promptly address any potential risks associated with data residency changes.
Enterprise Grade
Data Discovery and Classification
Agentless Architecture
Zero Network Reconfiguration
Deploy in Cloud or On-Prem